Yolanda E. Cortez Dds Ins

Dental Clinic

5451 Laurel Canyon Blvd, 102, Valley Village
    California, 91607-2180

 818-761-7109    Maps & Directions
Yolanda E. Cortez Dds Ins is a Dental Clinic in Valley Village, California. It is located at 5451 Laurel Canyon Blvd, 102, Valley Village, CA and its contact number is 818-761-7109. The authorized person for Yolanda E. Cortez Dds Ins is Dr. Yolanda E Cortez who is Dentist Provider of the clinic and their contact number is 818-761-7109. Other organizations associated with this clinic are Jason Sands Dds A Professional Corporation, Yolanda E. Cortez Dds Ins, The primary license number for Yolanda E. Cortez Dds Ins is 56546 (Dentist) in California.
Yolanda E. Cortez Dds Ins Clinic have dental surgeons who are specialized in dentistry, diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of diseases and conditions of the oral cavity. The dentist's supporting team aids in providing oral health services. The dental team includes dental assistants, dental hygienists, dental technicians, and sometimes dental therapists.
Complete Clinic Profile:
Yolanda E. Cortez Dds Ins Clinic speciality, address, contact phone number and fax are as below. Patients can call on the below given phone number for appointments.
Name: Yolanda E. Cortez Dds Ins
Specialization: Dentistry
Clinic Address:5451 Laurel Canyon Blvd, 102, Valley Village,
California, 91607-2180
Authorized/Official Person Profile:
Officially authorized person to contact for any management issues or complaints for this clinic are as below. Person's position and contact details are also mentioned below.
Name: Dr. Yolanda E Cortez
Position: Dentist Provider
Contact Number: 818-761-7109
Professional Identification Codes:
NPI number stands for National Provider Identifier which is a unique 10-digit identification number issued to health care providers in the United States by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS).
NPI details for Yolanda E. Cortez Dds Ins clinic are as mentioned below.
NPI Number: 1396190443
NPI Enumeration Date: 26 Apr, 2016
NPI Last Update On: 26 Apr, 2016
Other Associated Organizations:
Other organizations which are associated with this clinic are as mentioned below. These organization share the same address but have similar or different specialization. Speciality of these organizations are also mentioned below.
NameSpecializationNPI Number
Jason Sands Dds A Professional CorporationDentistry 1023183837
Yolanda E. Cortez Dds InsDentistry 1396190443
Medical Licenses:
Organizations can have one or more medical licenses for different specialities in the same state or different states. Related medical licenses for Yolanda E. Cortez Dds Ins are as mentioned below.
SpecializationLicense NumberStateStatus
Dentist 56546CaliforniaPrimary
Other Medical Identifiers:
Other legacy medical identifiers of the clinic such as Medicaid, Medicare PIN, NSC, UPIN etc. are mentioned as below.
Business Mailing Address:
Business mailing address can be used for mailing purpose only, for visiting purpose patients need to refer above mentioned address.
Address: Yolanda E. Cortez Dds Ins
5451 Laurel Canyon Blvd, 102
Valley Villege, California
Zip: 91607
Phone Number: 818-761-7109
Patients can reach Yolanda E. Cortez Dds Ins at 5451 Laurel Canyon Blvd, 102, Valley Village, California or can call to book an appointment on 818-761-7109. Data of this site is collected from Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) and NPPES. Last updated on 10 March, 2025.

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